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Small Changes for a Big Impact

Simple steps for reducing toxic chemicals in your life and home…without turning your lifestyle upside-down.


Welcome to Slightly Greener™

Created for moms who prefer the no-pressure, no-judgment approach to reducing toxic chemicals in your home.

Get ready to dig into the ultimate source of unbiased and science-backed information! My mission is to provide you with simple tips that you can implement in your everyday life.

Say goodbye to confusion and overwhelm and say hello to peace of mind.

No MLMs or network marketing products. No affiliate links.

Just pure unbiased, research-backed information.

If you want to go slightly greener, whether that means…

  • Changing your laundry detergent
  • Switching to organic veggies
  • Buying less-processed snacks

….Or (as I do) wearing a non-toxic mascara on week-days, and using a kinda toxic, but oh-so-good one when you go out…

…This is YOUR online hub for learning about toxins – in a way that’s  simple, FUN and without me scaring the poptarts out of ya! (pinky promise).

Maybe you landed here because you read some super scary articles, and you’re wondering “honestly, where do I even begin?!”

Maybe you just had a call from school to inform you they’re about to test your child for ADHD, learning disabilities or other “disorders” (this was me!).

Maybe you’re experiencing a health issue yourself. You’re already feeling overwhelmed and worried. Now you need a non-judgemental place to learn, and a community to tap into (join our close-knit FB group here).

And maybe you’re wondering…

What’s it gonna cost to replace my entire pantry, ditch $165 worth of cosmetics I just splurged on, and tell the kiddos:

We’re skipping vacay this year, but look!
We’ll be eating organic rice!

The good news? Buying organic and/or safer products doesn’t have to break the bank! Grab my free guide “How to Buy Healthy & Organic on a Budget” here.

How to buy organic on a budget

Whatever your story, whatever your shade of green…
here is to your Slightly Greener tomorrow!