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How to Reduce Cell Phone Radiation

The Slightly Greener Life Podcast | Episode 17

August 9, 2023

Season 2 is here!! And in this week’s episode we’re talking about tips for reducing your exposure to cell phone radiation with just a few simple tips. 

Living the low-toxin life doesn’t mean giving up all the techy fun. It’s about finding smarter ways to enjoy it! 💡 So, let’s dive into some simple tips for using your cell phone while reducing your exposure to cell phone radiation.

And just like other harmful toxins, kids are more vulnerable to the health effects of radiation. Studies have shown that their skulls are thinner and absorb more radiation than an adult’s. 😱

A study as early as 2008 found a link between heavy cell phone use and salivary gland tumors on the side of the head used most often.

Other disturbing research has found that cell phone use during pregnancy might increase chance of behavioral issues children, and a study on high schoolers showed that too much screen time increased the risk of having ADHD-like symptoms.

Find out more about the links between cell phone and electronic use and its effects on sleep in this week’s podcast!

And follow these simple tips to reduce your exposure to cell phone radiation:

  1. Don’t physically carry the phone on you. When you carry your cell phone on you – like in a bra or in a pocket, the phone is emitting radiation to that area of your body. Instead, carry your cell phone in a purse or backpack as often as possible, and encourage kids to do the same. If you have to carry your cell phone on you, make sure it’s on airplane mode, which stops the phone from receiving a signal or from emitting radiation. Also check to make sure the wifi signal is off – on some cell phone settings the wifi stays on, even in airplane mode and will still emit some radiation.

2. Use the phone only when it has a full signal. The fewer the bars, the more radiation is emitted because the phone is working harder to get a signal. Also avoid making calls in cars, elevators, trains, and buses. The cell phone works harder to get a signal through metal, so the power level increases.

3. Use the phone only for essential calls or shorter calls, and text whenever possible. But if you do have to use the phone, the FDA suggests holding the phone away from your ear as often as you can, at least a 1/2 inch away from your ear, but ideally 1-2 inches away from your body.

4. Use speakerphone if you can, or you can use headphones, so you can keep more distance between the phone and your head. Better yet, use the phone only for essential calls or shorter calls, and text whenever possible.

When it comes to choosing headphones, my choice is air tube headphones, after a lot of research. Instead of using ear buds that use blue tooth blue tooth ear buds, while it doesn’t produce as much radiation, it still is emitting some in an area so close to the brain, and studies have shown a possible link to brain cancer and blue tooth ear buds. Wired headsets aren’t much better – they can the EMF radiation can travel through the wires to your ears. And while some studies are inconclusive, others do show a potential link, again, I like to err on the side of caution.

The safest option I have found and have started using are air tube headphones, which instead of being a completely wired headset that can emit harmful EMFs to your head through the wire, these headphones have a hollow air tube that replaces part of the wire. The ones I use personally are DefenderShield’s air tube headphones. I will link to these on this episode’s webpage at This is not an affiliate or sponsored link – just a product I personally use and trust after doing the research.

5. Instead of streaming, download tv shows and movies to watch offline, and watch them on airplane mode to cut down the amount of radiation emitted.

6. Sleep with the phone on airplane mode. Many kids (and adults!) use the phones as alarm clocks and sleep with it close to their heads. Keep it  on airplane mode at night to prevent radiation exposure while you sleep. It’s so convenient to just kind of look at your phone before bed, put it how far away to sleep from your cell phonedown on your night stand and go to sleep because your alarm is set on it, but that’s radiation to your head or whatever part of the body it’s near, all night long. If you can’t have it on airplane mode (I don’t until all my kids are home!)  sleep with it at least 3 feet away from where you’re sleeping (that seems to be the consensus from studies I’ve read). But if you can have it off or on airplane mode, that is ideal.

7. To help reduce cell phones affecting sleep, use settings on your cell phone such as Night Shift on iPhone and Night Mode or Dark Mode on (Android) to block the blue light in the evenings. The blue light mimics daylight, which can  confuse our body’s natural circadian rhythm. These apps turn that blue light into a warmer orange-red color to block out that blue light that can affect sleep. These settings turn that blue light into a warmer orange-red color to block out that blue light that can affect sleep. Do the same with your computer with apps such as f.lux, or Night Shift in the settings of your Apple computer.

Well, there you have it! While not all studies point to harm from cell phone radiation, there is more and more emerging research that is showing there is a likely link to harmful health effects. So I always like to err on the side of caution, and these tips are so easy, why not try them out?


Maternal cell phone use during pregnancy and child behavioral problems in five birth cohorts

Can cell phone use cause ADHD? – Harvard Health

Heavy Cell Phone Use Linked To Cancer, Study Suggests — ScienceDaily.

When Should You Get Your Kid a Phone?

Cell Phones and Cancer Risk Fact Sheet – NCI

Maternal cell phone use during pregnancy and child behavioral problems in five birth cohorts

Can cell phone use cause ADHD? – Harvard Health