When you start reducing the toxins in your home (or even if you’re already well underway!), saving money is important!
But there are ways to save money when it comes to buying your favorite safer product – whether it’s a new cosmetic, a cleaning product, or food.
Here are some tips to help you buy safer, healthier products without breaking the bank!
- Begin to replace just the two or three foods your family consumes the most of with a healthier version. For instance, if your child’s favorite food is hot dogs, switch to a healthier brand, like Applegate.
- Eat/shop seasonally. Seasonal foods don’t have to travel as far, keeping their nutrients, and they will typically be cheaper. To find what is in season in your area, use this website.
- Only buy organic of the produce listed on the Environmental Working Group’s “Dirty Dozen” list. These are the foods that are highest in pesticides. Use the EWG’s “Clean 15” list to buy organic if possible, but if it’s not, these are the foods that are safe enough to not have to buy organic (they have the lowest pesticide use).
- Buy your organic foods at warehouse and membership club stores. Buying in bulk, especially in bulk bins of the foods you frequently eat, can save a lot of money in the long run.
- Check your store’s policy on stacking coupons. Download coupons from the store’s website, and look online for coupons for that same product. Some stores will honor the double coupons.
- Shop the store’s own organic brands. Those brands have to adhere to the same organic requirements, but the product will be cheaper because you are not paying for labels and marketing (example: Whole Foods has the “365” brand, and Target has “Simply Balanced”).
- Don’t buy pre-washed produce. It can cost almost twice as much (plus you’ll most likely re-wash it anyway!).
- Join a CSA. A CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) is typically a group whose members receive weekly shares of food from a certain farm (or groups of farms) in their area. Although the cost may seem steep upfront (it usually is paid upfront), the breakdown is an average of only $12 – $18 per week.
- Plant your own garden if possible. If you don’t have an area in your backyard, contact your community to see if garden community space is available.
- Decide on your “dealbreaker” ingredients. For instance, if you want to avoid MSG, avoid all foods with that in it. If you decide organic dairy is important to you, then only buy that but maybe skimp in some other areas. This is not about being perfect – it’s about detoxing your home to fit your own unique lifestyle!
So many of these tips can work for just about any safer product, not just saving money on organic produce! Try visiting your favorite product’s website to see if they offer a discount. Or follow their Facebook or Instagram page to see when they have a sale.
Happy shopping!